Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal for specialists in philology and semiotics |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Sacred lexis of the earliest runic and non-runic inscriptions as a semiotic way to transfer the information Authors: A.V. Proskurina Novosibirsk State Technical University
Abstract: The article deals with sacred lexis of the earliest runic and non-runic inscriptions. The author considers peculiarities of the earliest inscriptions in the con-text of different final causes; the author divides them into two thematic groups: 1) inscriptions, which include stable magic formulae; 2) inscriptions, which protect graves. The author presents examples of «good» and «bad» runes, and runes, which were used as independent words. The author points out, that short runic and non-runic inscriptions are bright examples of transmission of information: they may be characterized in the context of cumulativeness, because these inscriptions are orient-ed upon transmission of valuable information from a generation to a generation. Keywords: sacred lexis, runic inscription, non-runic inscription, apotropoetic function, cumulativeness, authoreferential, performative formulae Bibliography: Debray R. Vvedenie v mediologiju / Per. s fr. B. M. Skuratova. M.: Praksis, 2010. (Serija «Obraz obshhestva»). Makaev Je. A. Jazyk drevnejshih runicheskih nadpisej: lingvisticheskij i istoriko-filologicheskij analiz. M., 2010. Proskurin S. G. Konceptual'nye sistemy v indoevropejskom jazyke i kul'ture. Problema «kody» i «teksty». M., 1999. Proskurin S. G. Semiotika indoevropejskoj kul'tury: Uchebnik. 2-e izd., pererab. i ispr. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN, 2005. Proskurin S. G., Tsentner A. S. K predystorii pis'mennoj kul'tury: arhaicheskaja semiotika indoevropejcev / Novosib. gos. un-t. Novosibirsk, 2009. Smirnickaja O. A. Izbrannye stat'i po germanskoj filologii. M.: MAKS Press, 2008. Stepanov Ju. S., Proskurin S. G. Konstanty mirovoj kul'tury. Alfavity i alfavitnye teksty v period dvoeverija. M.: Nauka, 1993. Tacitus C. Annaly. Malye proizvedenija / Per. s lat. A. S. Bobovicha; pod red. Ja. M. Borovskogo, M. E. Sergeenko. M., 2010. Düwel K. Runic // Early Germanic Literature and Culture / Eds. B. Murdoch, M. Read. Camden House, 2004. Okasha E. Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. L., Cambridge University Press, 1971. |
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