Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
Submission requirements
Process for Submission and Publication
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Formatting requirements for submission of papers presented to the Editorial Board of the journal

The editors accept papers containing up to 40,000 printed characters including spaces (this wordage amounts to 1 "author's sheet"). The size of messages, reviews and other similar materials is up to 8,000 characters.

The title of the file with the text must include the author's surname and the first 2 or 4 words of the title of the paper.

The parameters of the page are as follows: the top and the bottom margins must be 3.85 cm each, while the left and right margins must be 4.25 cm each.

The used font must be Times New Roman in size 12. The line spacing must be single with 0.5 cm indentation.

The notes to the text must be made in the form of page footnotes.

The sources must be presented in the form of a bibliographic list (arranged in alphabetical order) and placed after the text of the paper. The text of the paper and the list of references should reflect the broad Russian and world scientific context. The sources written in foreign languages should be placed after those published in Russian. When making references to the sources in the text of their paper, the Author should put them in square brackets indicating the source, the year of publication and the cited pages. For example: [Ivanov, 1999, p. 56] or [Materials for a dictionary..., 1999, p. 67].

The bibliographical description of editions must be formatted following the state standard.

In linguistic papers, the illustrations (a word, a phraseological unit, a word combination, a sentence, etc.) in the text of the paper should be marked in italics; the interpretation of the meaning of a word or other semantics should be enclosed in single quotation marks ❛...❜ the name of a concept is typed in italicized upper case letters (for example: the concept KNOWLEDGE, the conceptosphere RELIGION). The citations are to be enclosed in quotes-«double angle bracket» quotations («...»); if within a citation there is a citation insertion, the latter must be enclosed within double quotation marks («... "..."... »). The reference to the source of a fragment of somebody else's text cited as an illustration is given in parentheses after the illustration: The supervision over the activities of the banks must be in reliable hands (The New Newspaper, 2000, № 7). The references to the illustrations from online cited resources are also formatted in parentheses with the indication of the date of access.

The electronic versions of figures or illustrations (only in .gif, .jpg, .tif formats) should be supplied as separate files. The placeholder of the figure or illustration in the text of the paper should be indicated by a rectangle with a signature.

It is necessary to supply the files of any used nonstandard prints in .ttf format.

An example of a formatted paper.

The complete set of submitted documents, besides the text of the paper, must contain two additional separate files. In the first additional file titled «Surname_About the Author» the Author should include the following information:

In the Russian language:
1. The Author's surname, name and patronymic or middle names in full.
2. The Author's official name of the place of their work, position, scientific degree and academic title.
3. Contact information (business address with a postal index, numbers of office telephones, FAX and email address).
4. The title of the paper.
5. Annotation (not less than 100 words).
6. The key words: each word or word combinations must be separated by comma.
7. The UDC code, and any BBK, DOI and/or other classifying indices or registration systems codes if applicable.

All items, excepting the last one, must also be repeated in English. The extensive annotation in English (p. 5) should have 250 words, along with the Russian version being provided.

The second additional file «Surname_Agreement» must contain a scanned text of the Author's consent to the use of their data alongside their attested signature.

Institute of Philology
Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
© Institute of Philology