Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: History of segmentation and algorithmization of fiction texts on a level of plot. Part 1

Authors: B.E. Egorov

Saint-Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences

Issue 18, 2013Pages 7-17
UDK: 81'22DOI:

Abstract: Segmentation of folklore and literary stories for the first time took place in the end of XIX century in the works of French scholars Ch. Bédier (fairy ta-les) and G. Polti (fiction drama). In the beginning of the XX century the research was continued by A. Aarne, A.N.Veselovsky, A.I. Nikiforov ( who was on the way to open a functional principle which was later elaborated by V.Y.Propp). The climax point of achievements in studies of the methodology of stories in the pre-structural period was a book «Morphology of the Folktale» written by V. Propp (1928), in which 31 elements (functions) were selected. V.Propp was primarily interested in syntagmatic construction of the plot. Later Cl. Levi-Strauss advised him to elaborate a «grammar» of the plot. V.Propp came close to open an algorithm of the plot, and formulae of development of the plot (its functions are placed in the order of cause and effect, and the consequent functions are related to the previous functions). The scholar was on the verge to open “a periodic table” for fairy tales.

Keywords: Plot, function, structure, segment, algorithm, Propp


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Volkov R. M. Skazka. Razyskanija po sjuzhetoslozheniju narodnoj skazki. Odessa, 1924. T. 1: Skazka velikorusskaja, ukrainskaja, belorusskaja.

Propp V. Ja. Morfologija skazki. M., 1969.

Shklovskij V. Svjaz' priemov sjuzhetoslozhenija s obshhimi priemami stilja // Pojetika. Pg., 1919.

Aarne A. Verzeichnis der Märchentypen. Folklore Fellows Communication, 3. Helsinki, 1911. Русская переработка: Андреев Н. П. Указатель сказочных сюже-тов по системе Aarne. Л., 1929.

Bedier J. Les fabliaux. P., 1893.

Polti G. Les trente-six situations dramatiques. P., 1895.

Souriau E. Les deux cent mille situations dramatiques. P., 1950.

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