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ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
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Critique and Semiotics
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DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
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Name: Poetics and policy under the conditions of Soviet project (to the political position of the Russian formalists)

Authors: E. P. Berezhnaya

State Public Scientific and Technical Library, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Issue 1, 2016Pages 180-204
UDK: 82.0 + 8DOI:

Abstract: The dramatic conflict between artist and power, which has become in the Russian cultural tradition an orienting factor in the understanding of what art is itself and what its real problems are in the years of the Soviet state formation takes the value of «absolute power» that can affect both – the change of rhetorical rules, and the chosen forms of behavior in the socio-cultural environment. Exactly at that time the problem of «biography» and the principles of its inclusion into a totally ideological context of the era, appear to be an experimental field for the theories and practices of formalist origin. Viktor Shklovsky and Boris Eihenbaum, preferring «biography» to science, were involved in the historical distruction, in which the exit «from one’s own preserved word» demanded a victim of incomparably larger scale. Tynianov outlook at the literary process excluded the transition to «foreign» lands, be it policy, «biography» or any another exorbitant literature phenomena. These and other categories could be available, being seen «through literature». Particular attention was given to Lenin\s issue of the journal «LEF», published immediately after the death of the Revolution leader, and in particular in the Tynianov’s article «The Vocabulary of Lenin the Polemicist». Tynyanov wrote about the «revolution» of Lenin\s speech structures, suggesting the already accomplished language destruction, associated with the idea of simplifying the form as the aesthetic time dominant. Tynianov’s not being inclined to any ideology was an obvious means of aesthetic manipulation, allowing to eliminate the available existence as indispensable fact of social and ideological resistance.

Keywords: V. Shklovsky, B. Eihenbaum, Yu. Tynyanov, policy, «biography », Lenin\s issue of «LEF» journal, Tynianov’s article «The Vocabulary of Lenin the Polemicist»


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