Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
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Critique and Semiotics
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for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
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Name: About magistral and marginal ways of Russian poetry: Nikolay Gumilev and Pavel Bulygin’s «alien stars»

Authors: E. Yu. Kulikova

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Issue 2, 2017Pages 146-164
UDK: 821.161.1 + 82-1DOI:

Abstract: One of the magistral themes of The Silver age is considered in the article, it is the theme of travels and exotic countries in the creative work of Nicolay Gumilev and Pavel Bulygin, who is a poet and a prose writer, he left Russia after revolution and investigated emperor family’s murder case which his book «The murder of the Romanovs. Reliable report» is dedicated to. Gumilev creates the original image of East and Africa influenced by French revolution and his own travel impressions, he forms new concepts of Russian historical self-conscience, combining West as well as East features. According to researchers, Gumilev’s African poems revealed him as a poet, this theme became an original theme, which he took place with in literature. In the work it is noticed Gumilev’s appeal to fauvists (H. Matisse, A. Derain), whose «wild» expressiveness of colours appealed to the «wild» beginning in human, turned him to the world of primordial nature. Describing Abyssinian existence, Gumilev introduces the distinctive strokes of another world where other people live, emphasizes their consciousness distinct from a civilized person. Bulygin caught this sense of verbal fauvism and reflected in his feature articles. In the article the particular attention is paid to how Gumilev «composes» African existence. He searches it as a traveller and a poet. He sees the exotic space as different – in a documentary diary and in fantastical stories, and in ballads, and in lyrical texts. Gumilev’s subtext is important for Bulygin, it is almost mystical canvas of images, plot twists and turns. Bulygin lived in Abyssinia in 1924-1933, he wrote about this country inspired by Gumilev’s Africa. Bulygin was an infantry instructor in the army of Negus in Addis Ababa, worked as a manager of the coffee plantation in Dubon and in the French railway company, wrote poems and the book «The murder of the Romanovs». He prepared some feature articles in Abyssinia – «Modern Abyssinia», «Russians in Abyssinia», «The life of Russians in Abyssinia». Bulygin’s fate and creative work are shown the «marginal way» of emigrant Russian literature, sent into exile. Depicting Abyssinia, Bulygin introduces a dreamy space, the "marginal" poet\s lines are born under the Abyssinian sky and the time becomes one-step for Bulygin and Gumilev. And in the poem "Just go down the rocky spurs" emphasis is being made no longer on the narrator\s dreams but on the dream of the country itself. The article analyzes early novels («Black Dik») and lyrics («Hyena», «Horror », a poetic book «Marquee») by Gumilev, and also his African diary and Bulygin’s feature articles «Sou Djin» («Hyenaman». The feature article of Abissinian Life), «Monkey tsarina», «Zandu and Shanko» and the poems of the collection «Alien Stars».

Keywords: exotic motives, modernism literature, fauvism, reminiscences, Nikolay Gumilev, Pavel Bulygin


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