Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
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Critique and Semiotics
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for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
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Name: Venexia, Constantinoupolis, Konstantiniyye: enchevêtrements, ajustements, hybridations

Authors: M. Costantini

University Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis

Issue 2, 2017Pages 229-255

Abstract: From an epistemological perspective of dialectics between empirical approach and conceptualization, between theory and practice, three categories will be relevant to semantically consider the concept of meeting: intrication, adjustment, hybridization. The very limited corpus chosen at the beginning concerns the denominations of two major cities, two political and cultural capitals, now in the language of their respective countries (of which they are no longer the capitals), İstanbul in Turkish, Venezia in Italian. Three lines are considered successively: the first one, which will be called Greco-Turkish, remains elementary, even if it is loaded with a dozen of names, which leads from the archaic Byzantium to the constantly reactivated Konstantiniyye; the second one, already more complex, is Romano-Russian (it is known that “Roman” refers to the Urbs on one side, but also on the other side to the Byzantine world), a thread that runs from the Latin Venetia, for Constantinoupolis, to be the Second Rome, for Vinegia (one of the names of Venice in the fifteenth century) to be displayed as New Rome, and for Pskov, then Novgorod, and lastly and especially for Moscow to proclaim itself the Third Rome; as for the last line that we seek to follow, it extends to the interlacing of names in the play of languages, or even thoughts, in which we see that at a given moment, globally that of the multiple bifurcation, many possibilities coexist, until the moment of partial or total unraveling of the multiple lines involved in this intrication. If, beyond words, we are interested in people, we find some major figures: Joseph II, Patriarch of Constantinople, who enlightens the Venetians on their borrowings from Greek culture, far older than they believe; Cyriacus of Ancona and Critobulus of Imbros, play, each in his own way, the beautiful role of mediator between cultures, at the crossroads of Byzantine civilization with its ancient Greek heritage, of the awakening Italian humanism and political Osmanli domination; Gentile Bellini and Costanzo by the pictorial image, Philarète and Christodoulos in the art of stone and its architectural arrangements, reinforce these links between powers and cultures. Constructing the diachrony of the meeting, by arriving at a proper assessment of the degrees and modes of hybridization, thus presupposes, on the one hand, the awareness of the number and interaction of the strata (here, in Venice four strata, the ancient Greco-Roman pagan one, the Byzantine or Greco-Roman Christian one, the Ottoman and Italian ones, in varying proportions), on the other hand, the use of a strong and thin reading grid which could closely follow the steps of reconciliations and gaps, mergers or their failure, or the account of all adjustments. Despite many testimonies, numerous trips of goods and people, numerous contacts between languages, technical idioms, commercial sabirs, even philosophical and theological exchanges, the analysis leads to the observation of an aborted hybridization.

Keywords: Venexia, Constantinoupolis, Konstantiniyye, Byzantium, Third Rome, Cyriacus of Ancona, Gentile Bellini, cultural transfers, linguistic and mental contaminations, aborted hybridization


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