Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Film Construct Modeling: A System of Status-Role Political Markers

Authors: D. I. Ivanov

Institute of Russian studies, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an, PRC

Issue 1, 2019Pages 298-319
UDK: 008; 8; 7.097DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737-2019-1-298-319

Abstract: The article proposes a film construct study model based on the author’s metadisciplinary theory of cognitive-pragmatic programs (CPP) synthesizing semiotic, cognitive and linguocultural approaches. Film construct is understood as a form of a complex embodiment of branch, profile, image-role and national-specific CPPs, organically connected with the whole multidiscursive sociocultural space. The typology of film constructs by the type of the dominant CPP is substantiated, the system of status-role political markers is investigated in detail, allowing to determine the status and role of a particular subject in the space of the film construct. The analysis of markers of this type helps: a) to determine the basic principles of the organization of a common subject film construct environment; b) to identify the structural features and mechanisms of segmentation of a given space into separate subject areas; c) to reveal the specifics of the interaction of these zones; d) to determine static-dynamic features and causes (conditions) of the change in the status of subject-role groups / individual subjects. In the space of each subjective area of the film construct, one / several status-role markers are activated, which determine the belonging of individual subjects to one or another subject-role group. Thus, the marker “comrade” or “friend” is extremely significant – this is a subject whose consciousness and model of behavior completely correspond to the conditions and principles of functioning of the dominant CPP. The status “comrade” marks a special subject area of the film construct – the “ally”. The space of the zone “ally” is extremely dynamized, wide-open and flexible. This feature is determined by the specifics of the functioning of the aggressive-mythological CPP, which, on the one hand, is in constant search for new real / potential enemies, on the other hand, it continues the active search / “recruitment” of new adepts / “comrades”. The subject-role status of the characters in the film is determined by the dominant CPP and the ability of the person (program carrier) to develop their own position considering it. The dominant CPP is a powerful tool of selfjustification (of one’s fear, betrayal or inaction). The CPP “embeds” its defense mechanism into the consciousness of the individual (conceptual-semantic interpretation filter): the carrier of the CPP focuses not on the source of information or even on its life experience, but tries to establish the degree of compliance of the new information with the principles of the dominant program. The very same subject-role status of the individual is unstable. If the status of the “enemy of the people” can be obtained by any “own” person for the system, then any “alien element” can become a “comrade”. As a result, every Soviet person is endowed with a dual status (potential “foe” / “friend”). conceptual-semantic interpretation filter.

Keywords: modeling, cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP), political (ideological) film construct, subject area, status-role political brand, conceptualsemantic interpretation filter


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