Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal for specialists in philology and semiotics |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: The Expansion of the Preposition pro in Modern Russian Speech, or The Latest Russian Rhetoric Authors: I. V. Vysotskaya Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article notes the tendency towards the preferred choice of the preposition pro (about) (instead of o) in modern Russian speech. The above said leads to a change in the compatibility of the accusative word form with the explanatory meaning, to an expansion of the range of verbs and nouns that control this form. The use of the word forms in names is updated (in different communicative spheres). Observations on the use of the so-called “The Accusative of theme” in media speech allowed us to identify different communicative intentions of the speaker, which are marked by the word form pro (about) N4: fixation of the topic, announcement, continuation and development, return to the topic, change of topic, forecast, clarification, accentuation. In addition, as part of the predicate, the word form with the preposition pro (about) is used as a means of the object of speech / thought characterization. In these syntactic conditions, a new way of defining the concept is formed: X eto pro (is about) N4, as well as a new question: What is X about? They are actively used in speech by adherents of the newest rhetorical canon – as opposed to the traditional one. Keywords: the indicative meaning, “the accusative of theme”, characterization, communicative intentions of the speaker, the latest Russian rhetoric Bibliography: Bertyakova A. N. Sluzhebnye slova kak istochnik lingvokul’turologicheskoy informatsii. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Lingvistika i pedagogika, 2018, vol. 8, no. 4 (29), p. 6–13. (in Russ.) Gingel E. A. Russkiy yazyk i obshchestvo v novom veke rol’ SMI v zasorenii russkogo yazyka. Sibirskij torgovo-ekonomicheskij zhurnal, 2007, no. 5, p. 62–64. (in Russ.) Kostomarov V. G. Yazykovoj vkus epokhi. Iz nablyudenij nad rechevoj praktikoj mass-media. Moscow, Pedagogika Press, 1994. (in Russ.) Lihachev D. S. Pis’ma o dobrom i prekrasnom. Comp. by G. A. Dubrovskaya. Moscow, Detskaya literatura Publ., 1989. (in Russ.) Radbil T. B. Osnovy izucheniya yazykovogo mentaliteta. Moscow, Flinta, 2010. (in Russ.) Ratmair R. “Novaya russkaya vezhlivost’” – moda delovogo etiketa ili korennoe pragmaticheskoe izmenenie? Voprosy yazykoznaniya, 2009, no. 1, p. 63–81. (in Russ.) Rozental D. E. Upravlenie v russkom yazyke: Slovar’-spravochnik. Dlya rabotnikov pechati. Moscow, Kniga, 1986. (in Russ.) Rozental D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N. P. Spravochnik po pravopisaniyu, proiznosheniyu i literaturnomu redaktirovaniyu. (in Russ.) URL: http://www.evartist.narod.ru/text1/66.htm. Samotik L. G. Modnye slova v sovremennom sociume. Yazyk i sotsial’naya dinamika, 2014, no. 14-1, p. 44–53. (in Russ.) Vrublevkaya O. V. K traktovke ponyatiya yazykovaya moda v sovremennoy lingvistike. Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2015, no. 1-1, p. 84–88. (in Russ.) Vysockaya I. V., Severskaya O. I. “Mozhno, pozhalujsta, …” kak rechevaya formula “novejshej russkoj vezhlivosti”. Siberian Journal of Philology, 2019, no. 3, p. 225–233. (in Russ.) Zimin V. I., Spirin A. S. Poslovitsy i pogovorki russkogo naroda. Bol’shoj tolkovyj slovar’. Rostov on Don, Feniks Publ.; Moscow, Tsitadel’-trejd Publ., 2005. (in Russ.) Zolotova G. A. Sintaksicheskij slovar’: Repertuar elementarnykh edinits russkogo sintaksisa. Moscow, Nauka, 1988. (in Russ.) |
Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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