Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
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Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
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Name: Far Eastern School of Futurists: Olga Petrovskaya’s and Vladimir Sillov’s Book “Pupils of Springs”

Authors: Elena V. Kapinos

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Issue 1, 2023Pages 250-272
UDK: 82-1DOI: 10.25205/2307-1753-2023-1-250-272


This article is a generalized review of the poetics and composition of a rare Far Eastern poetry book, Pupils of Springs, published in China in 1921. The book includes two parts by different authors, O. Petrovskaya and V. Sillov, the first futuristic experiences of young poets, students of S. M. Tretyakov and N. N. Aseev, their younger contemporaries, members of the Far Eastern literary group “Tvorchestvo” (Creativity).

The biographies of Olga Georgievna Petrovskaya (1902–1988) and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sillov (1901–1930) were tragically shaped. The collection “The Pupils of Spring”, like many other publications of the “Tvorchestvo” group, was among the forgotten books and has come down to us literally in several copies. Some texts of this book were reproduced in collections of futuristic poetry, and all the texts were included in the recent electronic edition of V. Petrovskaya. Some of the texts were reproduced in collections of futurist poetry, and all were included in the recent electronic edition of Sillov’s and O. Petrovskaya’s Until a New Dawn (2021), edited by S. Shargorodsky, but the book “Pupils of Springs” was not reprinted and has never been studied. This book, however, is certainly worthy of research attention, since its authors demonstrate a good command of futurist poetics. The rhymes of the poems in the book are interesting, there are practically no banal rhymes, the rhythms are dominated by the accentual verse, and the book is distinguished by a well thought out lyrical plot. The poetics of Petrovskaya and Sillov are oriented on the poetics of Tretyakov and Aseev, the book develops a limited range of key futuristic motifs in an original way, the first and second parts are closely related, which ensures a solid and clear composition.

Keywords: Far Eastern Futurism, O. G. Petrovskaya, V. A. Sillov, poetry book “Pupils of Spring” (Fujian, 1921), N. N. Aseev, S. M. Tretyakov, Far Eastern literary group “Tvorchestvo”


Aseev N. N. Izbrannye proizvedeniya [Selected works]. Moscow, Тhe Fiction, 1990, 511 p. (in Russ.)

Aseev N. N. Bomba [Тhe Bomb]. Vladivostok, Far East Tribune, 1921, 62 p. (in Russ.)

Kapinos E. Slovesnyy konstruktivizm S. Tret'yakova: “Zheleznaya pauza” [Constructivism of Sergei Tretyakov. Iron Pause (“Zheleznaya Pauza”)]. In: Russkiy Kitay i Dal'niy Vostok. Poeziya. Proza. Svidetel'stva [Russian China and the Far East. The Poetry. The Prose. The Evidence]. St. Petersburg, Aletheia, 2020, pp. 46–83. (in Russ.)

Petrovskaya O. Nikolay Aseev [Nikolay Aseev]. In: Vospominaniya o Nikolae Aseeve [The Memories of Nikolai Aseev. Moscow, The Soviet Writer, 1980, pp. 35–66. (in Russ.)

Petrovskaya O., Sillov V. Do novoy zari. Stikhi, stat'i, vospominaniya, dokumenty [Until a new dawn. The poems, the articles, the memoirs, the documents]. Salamandra P.V.V., 2021, 390 p. (in Russ.) URL: https://www.

Petrovskaya O., Sillov V. Zrachki vesen [The pupils of spring]. Fujiadzian, 1921, 32 p. (in Russ.)

Shargorodskiy S. Vladimir Sillov i Ol'ga Petrovskaya. Kratkiy biografiche>skiy ocherk [Vladimir Sillov and Olga Petrovskaya. Brief biographical sketch]. In: Do novoy zari. Stikhi, stat'i, vospominaniya, dokumenty [Until a new dawn. The poems, the articles, the memoirs, the documents]. Salamandra P.V.V., 2021, pp. 339–348. (in Russ.) URL: 7484.pdf

Sobolev A. L. Leteyskaya biblioteka: ocherki i materialy po russkoy literature ХХ veka [Lethean Library: Essays and Materials on Russian Literature of the 20th Century. In 2 vols. Moscow, Truten' Publ., 2013, vol. 1, 490 p.; vol. 2, 442 p. (in Russ.)

Tretyakov S. Zheleznaya pauza [Iron Pause]. Vladivostok, 1919, 64 p. (in Russ.)

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