Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
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Critique and Semiotics
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for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
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Name: Encrypted Meanings in the Works of V. M. Shushin

Authors: Vladimir K. Vasiliev

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Issue 2, 2023Pages 387-415
UDK: 82.0DOI: 10.25205/2307-1753-2023-2-387-415


Shukshin passed away in 1974 He considered himself as an encrypted artist. However, so far it has not been possible in literary criticism to apply approaches that make it possible to describe Shukshin’s methods and techniques of encryption of his own texts. Moreover, there is no understanding of what the writer had in mind when he admitted in being encrypted. Researching his texts allows us to make a conclusion that Shukshin’s texts have anti-Soviet meanings: the idea of rebellion against the Soviet government or the Judgment of God over its members. Since about the mid-1960’s Vasiliy Makarovich has developed a whole range of encryption methods and techniques: he includes hints, words, phrases, facts of a criminal nature for Soviet censorship in his essays, creates duplicate episodes and plots, images of twin characters, which analysis allows us to track the process of parting a writer with faith in the ideaof communism and its transition to extreme anti-Soviet positions. The very fact of this encryption method’s invention makes Shukshin and outstanding artist. However the problem is getting even bigger because of the archetypical coding systems/universal narrative models that go back to the New Testament plot presence in his texts . (They are described in my previous works). It is possible to penetrate into the meanings of Shukshin’s works only by taking into account the synthesis of an individual and universal code, a detailed understanding of the “double” encryption mechanism work. Thus, the in-depth analysis of reality which is Shukshin’s characteristic, is in fact inaccessible to the understanding of an ordinary reader.

In the article we have analyzed the mechanisms of the author’s text encryption and it’s anti-Soviet meanings based on a comparison of the biography of the hero of the first book of Shukshin’s novel “Lubavins” (published in 1965), the rural activist activist Yasha Goryachiy, his confrontation with the Lubavins and the conflict sphere of the story “Dawn Rain” (1966). In the story Shukshin duplicates the conflict between Yasha and Egor Lubavin, creates the figures of their doubles – the terminally ill communist Efim Bedarev and Kirill, once dispossessed and exiled by him. The death of the communist Bedarev, summing up his life and deeds, makes it possible to clarify the writer’s attitude towards the builders of the “new world”: their activities and earthly path end with God’s judgment, retribution-hell, and only after that does the global renewal of life begin.

Keywords: archetypical plot universals, author’s cypher, text analysis methodology, Vasiliy Shukshin’s anti-Soviet text


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