Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Static and dynamic images of the European city in the naive and artistic pictures of the world

Authors: E. Yu. Bulygina, T. A. Tripolskaya

Issue 2, 2015Pages 200-215
UDK: 81'373.6DOI:

Abstract: The article is part of the research project «The language of the urban space: dictionaries, maps, text» and devoted to the study of spatial images of European cities in a naive and artistic pictures of the world. The horizontal division of the city can be seen as a static value (the plan, scheme, maps) and dynamic: the city street names, via, rue, calle etc obey a model of anthropomorphic metaphor, and are combined with verbs of motion / position in the space and create a multi-dimensional model urban space. Metaphorical vectors of our perception of «moving» the streets are defined by notions of movement on foot and in vehicles, on land and water, at different speeds on different path of open and closed spaces. The man is led by streets, alleys, boulevards. These spatial scenes of naive view of the world are developed, modified and completed in the paradigm of literary text.

Keywords: the spatial picture of the world, the language of the urban space, static and dynamic images of a European city


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