Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2015

Yu. V. Shatin
Semiotics vs semiology: about completeness of the theory of signs
In detail
N. V. Zlydneva
Types of image with incomprehensible semantics: toward the issue of sign structure
In detail
B. M. Kleiman
Some errors in interpretations of archaic semiotics of the Semites
In detail
S. G. Proskurin
Principles of replication of cultural data
In detail
M. I. Kiose
On variability of «devisualization techniques» in textual indirect names
In detail
M. A. Molina
Multilingualism in Hittite Empire. Protocol for the Gatekeeper (CTH 263) as a source for the information on linguistic diversity
In detail
M. A. Ivleva, E. V. Fedyaeva
Some Aspects of Definite and Indefinite Multitude Interaction
In detail
M. Yu. Martynov
Anti-Platonic philosophy of a name in the Russian anarchism
In detail
E. A. Deyneka, N. S. Bulygina
On the semantics, syntactics and pragmatics of «possible worlds» in a tri-dimentional space of idiolect: hypnic hallucinations and fantasy
In detail
L. A. Kozlova
The manifestation of the process of concept formation in the orthography of the word (on the material of the English Language)
In detail
T. E. Yanko
Cognitive strategies of discourse. Twenty years after
In detail
E. V. Osetrova
The author in text mirror: manifestation of the fact
In detail
E. Yu. Bulygina, T. A. Tripolskaya
Static and dynamic images of the European city in the naive and artistic pictures of the world
In detail
P. S. Dronov
The cross they have to bear: modifications of the idiom in Russian, English, and German
In detail
A. V. Proskurina
To the question of euphemization of the concept death (based on the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle)
In detail
A. V. Kremneva
Image as a Way of Intertextual Cross-talk
In detail
N. M. Azarova, A. L. Polyan
Oral vs written in poetic discourse: challenging the traditional binary opposition
In detail
M. A. Tarasova
Poetry translation as a specific discursive practice (based on the Russian translations of contemporary English poetry)
In detail
N. A. Fateeva
Linguistic and linguopoetic concepts in poetry: the issue of interdiscursive transfer
In detail
Yu. A. Dreizis
Language and text in contemporary Chinese poetry of the ‘third generation’
In detail
V. V. Maroshi
A meaning of tongue in modern Russian Literature
In detail
E. N. Proskurina
Emotional landscapes of A. Platonov’s prose
In detail
I. S. Poltoratskiy
«Take out a hole from the earth» or a metaplot of overcoming of death in the Viktor Ivaniv`s poetry and prose
In detail
I. V. Silantev
The «Prosōdia» journal as a plot statement
In detail
A. E. Kozlov
On the question of the boundaries of philosophical and aesthetic discourses (S. Kierkegaard, F. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy)
In detail
E. H. Margaryan
Mythological characters in the official ideological doctrine of Caesar Augustus. The image of the enemy in the Roman literature of the Principate.
In detail
T. S. Simyan
Dadaism in Germany: logic, semiotics, strategy
In detail
B. F. Egorov
On the subjective aspect of information and redundancy in the perception of a literary text
In detail
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