Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
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Name: A Polish Literary Code of the Novel «Flaneur» by N. Kononov

Authors: L. A. Maltsev

I. Kant Baltic Federal University

Issue 1, 2017Pages 339-353
UDK: 821.161.1: 821.162.1DOI:

Abstract: The present article is an attempt to discover a polish “key” from the Novel “Flaneur” by N. Kononov, a contemporary Russian writer. Attention is paid on different factual, cultural and linguistic contexts with an accent on the polish literary tradition and its function of formation of myths Polish motives. The basis for the Polish-Russian language game in the first chapter of the novel is the joint protoslavic root of the two languages (see the lexemes «telo», «potseluj», «perst’», «bludodej»). Significant representatives of the polish literary tradition, in a dialogue which takes Kononov, are Kochanowski as the creator of the classic canon of polish poetry, Mickiewicz as the founder of the opposite of the romantic movement. Literary contexts of the novel allow the identification of the onomastic key to Roman Kononov – names "Chloe" and "Tadeusz". The name «Tadeusz» generates the associations not only with the Polish young fellow «Tadzio» from the story of Thomas Mann «Death in Venice », but also with Pan Tadeusz from the national poem by Mickiewicz. This name is a precedent for the Polish culture as a code of gentry-knight morale and sacrificial struggle for Poland.The etymology of the name testifies to the cult of the heart in the Polish romantic tradition («Ballads and romances» and «Dziady» by Mickiewicz, «Voyage to the Holy Land» and «The Spirit King» by Juliusz Słowacki, «The Wedding» by Stanisław Wyspiański). There is a metaphorical chain in Kononov’s text – «heart» (yolk) – «protein» («body») – «shell» («clothes»), which finds figurative analogues in Polish poetry. The heroic and patriotic connotations of the name «Tadeusz» in the Polish culture come into contrast with the name «Chloe», which is tabooed in the Polish cultural tradition, as an evidenced of which is the free translation by Jan Kochanowski of Horace\s odes «Vitas inuleo me similis, Chloe ...» in which the ancient Greek name «Chloe» is replaces by the Hebrew name «Neta» what is done by Kochanowski.With the etymology of the names «Chloe» and «Neta» it is associated the emergence of one more conceptually significant lexeme in the structure «green», which is not only the color designation as a characteristic of the speech painting of the Mickiewicz poem «Pan Tadeusz», but also a synonym of the word «immature», which is important for characterizing Chloe\s image in the novel. In the multicultural paradigm of the Roman Kononov determines the critical distance in relation to polonocentric picture of the world. From this point of view it seems that N. Kononov is like W. Gombrowicz, who lead a fierce struggle with “Polish form”.

Keywords: Kononov, polonism, polish literature, Mickiewicz, Kochanowski, Gombrowicz, code, literary tradition, name, myth coinage


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