Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 1, 2017

V. M. Alpatov
Ferdinand de Saussure and the World Linguistics (to the 100th Anniversary of the First Publication of «Course of General Linguistics»)
In detail
V. I. Postovalova
Ferdinand de Saussure and his role in the evolution of linguistic and philosophical thought of the 20th-21st centuries
In detail
K. G. Krasukhin
The relations between synchrony and diachrony by Ferdinand de Saussure
In detail
O. I. Severskaya
About Poetic Metaphors of the Saussure’s triad langue, langage and parole
In detail
O. G. Revzina
Reading Saussure Through
In detail
V. V. Feshchenko
Messages from a medium: F. de Saussure, Th. Flournoy and a case of clairvoyance
In detail
A. V. Vdovichenko
About prospects of not-saussurian linguistics, or a new function of saussure’s language. Lecture held at the conference devoted to the century anniversary of «Course of the general linguistics» by F. de Saussure (Moscow, Institute of Linguistics, Russi
In detail
Deely, John
Zoösemiotics and Anthroposemiotics
In detail
G. A. Ghazaryan
Towards the Semiotics of Aikido
In detail
M. A. Molina
Hittite poetic meter: half a century of research
In detail
S. G. Proskurin
Linguocultural transfer: perception of the world in the ancient traditions
In detail
A. V. Proskurina
Religious concepts in the Old English tradition
In detail
A. E. Kozlov
Socialist writer doctor as narrative instances in Dmitry Aksharumov’s memoirs
In detail
G. V. Durinova
Content and meaning of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem «Perekop»
In detail
F. V. Kuvshinov
Sacred-minus and profane-plus in prose by Leonid Dobychin
In detail
L. E. Muravieva
Mise en abyme in the aspect of intertextuality
In detail
I. S. Poltoratsky
The Poetics of Victor Ivaniv’s prose in the context of ornamental prose of the XX–XXI century
In detail
L. A. Maltsev
A Polish Literary Code of the Novel «Flaneur» by N. Kononov
In detail
G. I. Berestnev
The principle of play in black humor
In detail
I. V. Silantev
The Plot in the Photography of Modernity
In detail
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