Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Artistic semantics of the image of Mary and the story polyphony of «Feast during the plague» by A. Pushkin

Authors: L. A. Khodanen

Kemerovo State University

Issue 2, 2017Pages 73-84
UDK: 82(2)DOI:

Abstract: The article discusses semiotics and narrative polyphony of the small tragedy of Pushkin\s «Feast during the plague» on the basis of the development of the ideas of Yu. N. Chumakov, the famous Explorer of the poetics of Pushkin. It is established that semantic and narrative polyphony of the «Feast during the plague» connects the different cultural and historical forms of the encounter of man with death and mortal danger as special rituals or actions. Fun Jackson, asphalt-overwrite all at the feast in plague town, the memory of which proposed the first toast, reminiscent of the Renaissance man\s triumph over death, represented in the «Decameron» of Boccaccio. To the bacchanalian feast with his unbridled joy and clinking of glasses encourages Young people. The priest assesses the events as a feast of demons. With this hero connected with the memorial service as a Christian commemoration of the dead. Polivalentes episodes forms a complex semantic content of the events of the encounter of man with death and miroors the triumph of Death-plague. Death personifizierte in the perception of characters as a visual image( the plague –the mistress of the feast, ferruginous Negro, operated a wagon with dead bodies) and acoustic image (sound of wheels on the pavement, the whispering dead, long song Mary, hoarse voice of the President singing the national anthem Plague). In the song Mary expanded the spatial boundaries of the feast of death. They include the topos of her native land, dying of the plague (village, Church, school, cemetery). In the context of Pushkin new artistic takes on the semantics of the word circle («the circle»), formed in the poems dedicated to meeting the Lyceum friends. The feast in plague London the characters share the inevitability of death, fear and rebellion against a higher power. First it is noted that, in the festive circle of all the participants, Mary is the only character that talks about his past. Her song has a memory of his youth, images of his home, his native land, which she keeps in mind and about which she sings the song keeping the style of the homeland. The sounds of voices opens the inner world of the heroine, capable of compassion and mercy. In the final dialogue of the Chairman and the Priest marked the polyvalent semantics of the Cup (the Cup of poison, the Cup of salvation) and accentuate the motif of confession of Walsingham associated with love to Mary, «the fallen, but a lovely creature». Tracked pretective context of the «Feast during the plague» with a poem «From Barry Cornwall», which in this embodiment, reading can be interpreted as a poetic epilogue of the tragedy. In conclusion, the planned formation of a personal myth of Mary in the poetry of «silver century».

Keywords: Pushkin, feast, circle, storyline, narrative, polyphony, Mary, song, death, bowl


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