Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: The creative refraction of Pushkin\s motif of poetic immortality in the dialogic «reflection poetics» of I. Annensky

Authors: N. V. Nalegach

Kemerovo State University

Issue 2, 2017Pages 134-145
UDK: 82-1/29DOI:

Abstract: The article reveals the functioning of the Pushkin motif of poetic immortality in the work of I. Annensky and his influence on the design of the dialogical «reflection poetics». A special role in the aesthetic accents placed by Annensky is played by the second stanza of Pushkin\s poem «I erected a monument to myself that was not made by hands...», thanks to which the motive of reciprocity of poets on different sides of life – life and death – is psychologically convincingly embodied. Such an interaction is the basis for the renewal of the Pushkin\s «formula» of poetic immortality, since in the work of Annensky not only the cutting edge of modernity is taken into account, but all the time flow that encompasses through the poetic tradition not only the past, but, according to Pushkin\s poems, the future: «in the sublunary Peace / There will be at least one poet». Thanks to the Pushkin\s pretext understood in the work of Annensky, art is understood not only as a sign of eternity in the temporal flow, but also as a time imprinting in its dynamics in the semantic structure of the poem through the reflection in the figurative rows of the soul of their creator, as presented in the essay «The Problem of Hamlet». Thus, thanks to the creative rethinking of Pushkin\s motive of poetic immortality, the transfer of the properties of time to the nature of the poetic text is carried out, whereby the identity between the world of nature and culture is established. But what, at first glance, seems to be a polemic with the ancient statement of the phenomenology of art: «Life is short – art is eternal», according to the laws of romantic irony, due to the reaccentuation of the Pushkin formula, becomes the experience of time not only as a movement towards death on an existential level, as a form of realization of a person in history, providing her with immortality in the sphere of culture. So thanks to the poetic dialogue through the centuries and times, the action in the sphere of art and the laws of eternity remains, which turns around in Annensky in the light of the Pushkin tradition by a new understanding of poetic immortality. It is possible not so much as the erection of the temporal to the eternal in the process of creating a work, how much is realized precisely from within the temporal flow thanks to the incarnation of the poet in him as the voice of his generation and era. Similarly, the expanding circles of depersonalization, naturally, in the light of the «higher humor of creation», turn into the acquisition of a unique author\s self in the incessant and ever renewed, thanks to the laws of time, the dialogue of poets, facilitated by the «poetics of reflections» arising from the meeting of «one\s own» verse with «another’s» whereby the poetic Shadow is condensed to an immortal Name.

Keywords: I. F. Annensky, A. S. Pushkin, motif, immortality, reflection poetics, poetic dialogue


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