Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: «Foreign» (Quotes, Allusions and Reminiscences) as «Ours», and «Ours» (Self-Quotes and Self-Reminiscences) as «Foreign» in Marina Tsvetaeva’s Letters and Diary Texts

Authors: S. A. Akhmadeeva

Institute for Education Development

Issue 1, 2018Pages 79-96
UDK: 81'42; 821.161.1;82-6; 82:081; 811.161.1’36: 811.161.1’37 (044.2)DOI: 10/25205/2307-1737-2018-1-79-96

Abstract: The article deals with semantic transformations of the forms of intertextuality such as quotes, allusions and reminiscences as «own» texts for an adequate comprehension of meaning, which is implied by the author , by an addressee of the letters, and as a means of self-reflection in diary texts, plus selfreminiscences and self-quotes as «foreign» texts for creation of the meaning and assertion of authorship of the thought and image in Marina Tsvetaeva’s letters, notebooks and summary notebooks. «Foreign» and «ours» in letters, notebooks and summary notebooks by M. I. Tsvetaeva are applied consciously and conditioned by the nature of communication. As for an epistolary dialogue with an addressee, intertextual phenomena are necessary to M. I. Tsvetaeva in order to convince her addressee of the correctness of her author’s position, whereas the addressee possesses background data related to their meaning in precedent texts and to Tsvetaeva’s creation. Notes in notebooks occur in a spontaneous way under the influence of external events and the internal need to record a horrible thought, finding, association or image, to advance an opinion about something important for the writer. That’s why reminiscences of «foreign» texts (the Bible, proverbs and sayings, literary texts of the Russian classics and contemporary poets) occur on their own, as a thought is being put down, and further developed in the author’s considerations, is analyzed, clarified and become a basis of the author’s fixed phrases, proverbs and sayings. The most valuable items from the letters and notebooks are brought into summary notebooks; for this reason, previously formulated thoughts are followed by the author’s notes and comments. Marina Tsvetaeva uses self-quotes in her letters and diaries as a means of reflections about her own creation: a successful «finding» is actualized within new conditions and becomes a cause for a dialogue of the author with herself at different times, that is, between the author who once upon a time wrote the text quoted here completely or in fragment, and between the same author who quotes in a letter or diary. A self-quote is introduced therein as the basic thesis supported with clarifications and comments, or as a «starting point» in the dialogue about her creation with an addressee of the letter or a proof of her own rightness many years later in her summary notebook. Tsvetaeva does not ever try to convince anybody in anything in her summary notebooks, yet she confirms the right after her for a previously formulated idea, authorship of a thought, image or formula which even years later do not lose their novice and profundity of sense. Further consideration of the «foreign» and «ours» in non-fiction texts by M. I. Tsvetaeva may be continued in the following lines: 1) typology and literary and folklore sources of «foreign» intertextual phenomena, 2) dependence of selfquote upon the nature of relations with the letter’s recipient and creative tasks.

Keywords: Marina Tsvetaeva, intertextuality, precedent features, allusions, reminiscences, quotes, self-quotes, self-reminiscences, letters, diary texts, summary notebooks, notebooks


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