Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov about Semiotics, Languages of the Brain and History of Ideas

Authors: E. V. Velmezova, K. Kull

University of Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland); University of Tartu (Tartu, Estonia)

Issue 2, 2020Pages 9-33
UDK: 003DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737-2020-2-9-33

Abstract: he interviews with one of the founders of the Moscow-Tartu school, Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov (1929–2017) from August 2010 and from October 2012, describe V. V. Ivanov’s opinions on several scholars (Evgenij Polivanov, Mikhail Bakhtin, Andrej Kolmogorov, Nikolaj Marr etc.) and their work, on his relationships with his father Vsevolod Ivanov, as well as V. V. Ivanov’s views on the past and future of sciences, with some emphasis on neurosemiotics, zoosemiotics, semiotics of culture, cybernetics, history of linguistics, study and protection of small languages. The first interview also deals with V. V. Ivanov’s book Even and Odd; the second interview discusses the key notions of semiotics: sign, the very definition of semiotics, its connections with other disciplines, as well as V. V. Ivanov’s main achievements in the field of semiotics.

Keywords: Vyach. Vs. Ivanov, semiotics, history of semiotics, history of linguistics, languages of the brain


Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Binarnye struktury v semioticheskikh sistemakh [Binary structures in semiotic systems]. In: Blauberg I. V. et al. (eds.). Sistemnye issledovaniya: Ezhegodnik 1972 [Systems Research: Yearbook 1972]. Moscow, Nauka, 1972, p. 206–236. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Chet i nechet. Asimmetriya mozga i znakovykh system [Even and odd. Asymmetry of the brain and sign systems]. Moscow, Sovetskoe radio Publ., 1978. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Dual’nye struktury v antropologii [Dual structures in anthropology]. Course of lectures. Moscow, RSHU Press, 2008. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Iz sleduyushchego veka [From the next century]. In: Koshelev A. D. (Comp.). Yu. M. Lotman i tartusko-moskovskaya semioticheskaya shkola [Yu. M. Lotman and the Tartu-Moscow semiotic school]. Moscow, Gnozis, 1994, p. 486–490. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Izbrannye trudy po semiotike i istorii kul’tury [Selected works on semiotics and history of culture]. Moscow, 2010, vol. 7: From the history of science. Book 2. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Lingvisticheskie vzglyady E. D. Polivanova [E. D. Polivanov’s linguistic views]. Voprosy yazykoznaniya [Questions of Linguistics], 1957, no. 3, p. 55–76. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Lingvistika i issledovanie afazii [Linguistics and aphasia research]. In: Moloshnaya T. N. (ed.). Strukturno-tipologicheskie issledovaniya [Structural and typological studies]. Moscow, AS USSR Publ., 1962, p. 70–95. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Nechet i chet [Odd and even]. In: Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Izbrannye trudy po semiotike i istorii kul’tury [Selected works on semiotics and history of culture]. Moscow, Yazyki russkoy kul'tury, 1998, vol. 1: Sign systems. Movie. Poetics, p. 379–602. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Nekotorye lingvisticheskie problemy, svyazannye s izucheniem afazii [Some linguistic problems associated with the study of aphasia]. In: Morozova N. G., Lubovskiy V. I. (eds.). Tezisy dokladov tret’ey nauchnoy sessii po voprosam defektologii, 22–25 marta 1960 g. [Abstracts of the third scientific session on defectology, March 22–25, 1960]. Moscow, APN RSFSR Publ., 1960, p. 7–9. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Ocherki po istorii semiotiki v SSSR [Essays on the history of semiotics in the USSR]. Moscow, Nauka, 1976. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Potom i opytom [With sweat and experience 15 ]. Moscow, Vagrius Publ., 2009. (in Russ.)

[Ivanov Vyach. Vs.] Predislovie [Foreword]. In: Simpozium po strukturnomu izucheniyu znakovykh sistem [Symposium on the structural study of sign systems]. Abstracts. Moscow, AS USSR Publ., 1962, p. 3–9. (in Russ.) [Pubilshed without the author’s name.]

Ivanov Vyach. [Vs.] Self-portrait of a Russian semiotician in his younger and later years. In: Sebeok Th. A., Umiker-Sebeok J. (Ed.). Recent Developments in Theory and History: The Semiotic Web 1990. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 1991, p. 3–43.

Ivanov Vyach. [Vs.] Semiotics of the 20 th century. Sign Systems Studies, 2008, vol. 36, no. 1, p. 185–244.

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Stikhi raznykh let [Poems of different years]. Moscow, Raduga Publ., 2005. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Vstupitel’naya stat’ya k sborniku «Simpozium po strukturnomu izucheniyu znakovykh sistem» [Introductory article to the volume “Symposium on the structural study of sign systems”]. In: Nikolaeva T. M. Comp.). Iz rabot Moskovskogo semioticheskogo kruga [From the works of the Moscow semiotic circle]. Moscow, Yazyki russkoy kul’tury, 1997, p. 3–7. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs. Znachenie idey M. M. Bakhtina o znake, vyskazyvanii i dialoge dlya sovremennoy semiotiki [The importance of M. M. Bakhtin’s ideas on sign, expression and dialogue for modern semiotics]. Trudy po znakovym sistemam [Sign Systems Studies], 1973, no. 6, p. 5–44. (in Russ.)

Ivanov Vyach. Vs., Lotman Yu. M., Pyatigorskiy A. M., Topopov V. N., Uspenskiy B. A. Tezisy k semioticheskomu izucheniyu kul’tur (v primenenii k slavyanskim tekstam) [Theses to the semiotic study of culture (in reference to Slavic texts)]. In: Mayenowa M. R. (Ed.). Semiotyka i struktura tekstu: Studia poświęcone VII Międzynarodowemu kongresowi slawistów. Warszawa, 1973 [Semiotics and text structure: Studies for the VII International Congress of Slavists. Warsaw, 1973]. Wrocław, Ossolineum, 1973, p. 9–32. (in Russ.)

Krylov S. A. Akademik Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov: kratkiy ocherk nauchnoy deyatel’nosti [Academician Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov: a brief outline of scientific activity]. In: Nevskaya L. G., Pchelov E. V., Sveshnikova T. N., Kherold K. (Comp.). Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov. Moscow, Nauka, 2007, p. 8–37. (in Russ.)

Kull K., Velmezova E. Interview de Vjačeslav Vsevolodovič Ivanov sur la sémiotique, les langages du cerveau et l’histoire des idées. In: Velmezova E. (éd.). Cahiers de l’ILSL, 2011, no. 31, p. 247–268.

Salupere S. Tartu Summer Schools of Semiotics at the time of Juri Lotman. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 2012, no. 6, p. 303–311.

Velmezova E., Kull K. Interview with Vyacheslav V. Ivanov about semiot- ics, the languages of the brain and history of ideas. Sign Systems Studies, 2011, vol. 39, no. 2/4, p. 290–313.

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