Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2020

E. V. Velmezova, K. Kull
Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov about Semiotics, Languages of the Brain and History of Ideas
In detail
S. T. Zolyan
Meaning and Linguistic Sign in System Theory of Niklas Luhmann
In detail
H. Duda
Semiotic Limitations in the Modernization of Old Translations of the Bible
In detail
M. I. Kiose 1 , O. N. Prokofyeva 2 , A. A. Rzhevesskaya 3 , T. G. Kharlamova
Uniqueness and Typicality Effects in Heterosemiotic Units: Algorithm and Analysis Procedure
In detail
M. A. Tolstova
Verbalization of the Concept WOMAN (On the Material of Female Di- alect Discourse)
In detail
I. E. Kim
Lexical and Grammatical Environment and Its Influence on the Noun Case Form in Russian Language
In detail
N. B. Koshkareva
Basic Color Terms in Khanty
In detail
T. A. Golovaneva, N. N. Fedina
Written Texts in Unwritten Languages as a Sociolinguistic Phenome- non (On the Material of the Chalkan and Alyutor Languages)
In detail
N. V. Leonova 1 , P. S. Shakhov
uneral Folklore-Ethnographic Complex as a Ritual Text (On Example of the Local Erzya-Mordovian Tradition of Siberian Existence)
In detail
A. A. Grinevich
Emotions in Kazym Khanty Ritual Bear Songs
In detail
A. V. Proskurina
The Concept of Body and Soul in the Old English Tradition
In detail
T. S. Simyan
Creolized Texts of Old Tiflis (On the Example of Pirosmani, Elibekyan, Ayvazyan)
In detail
Ye. G. Margaryan
Abo Tbileli. Arabic Perfumer – St. Protector of Tiflis
In detail
A. E. Bochkarev
On the Cabbage Soup, Mutton Side, Pancakes and Other Culinary Dishes in the Gogol’s Poem “Dead Souls”: ...fortitude of the Russian stomach
In detail
E. V. Kapinos, I. E. Loshchilov
Knut Hamsun in Siberia
In detail
S. S. Avanesov
Child in Time. Autobiographic Battles of Vladimir Nabokov
In detail
V. K. Vasiliev
About the Problem of Exposure of Author’s Coding Methods in Works of V. M. Shukshin
In detail
A. I. Kulyapin
“To the Man and the Horse – Perdition”: The Semiotics of Corporeali- ty in Vasily Belov’s Short Story “For Carriage”
In detail
M. Yu. Martynov
“I Do not Believe in Anarchy.” To the Question of the Ideological Foundations of Egor Letov’s Works
In detail
Yu. V. Shatin, I. V. Silantev
Russian Judicial Discourse in the Light of the Modern Theory of Ar- gumentation
In detail
O. V. Orlova
New Media in Linguistic and Stylistic Coverage
In detail
I. S. Kudryashov
A Gameplay: Translation, Definition and Analyses of Structure
In detail
I. V. Silantev
Popular Science Topics of the Soviet Magazine Technique for Youth in the Ideological Aspect
In detail
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