Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Day Stars and Pervorossiisk by Olga Berggolts in the Light of Poetic Cinematograph

Authors: T. V. Zvereva

Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation

Issue 1, 2021Pages 403-422
UDK: 82-1: 821.161.1: 778.5(045)DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737-2021-1-403-422

Abstract: The paper considers the book Day Stars and the narrative poem Pervorossiisk by Olga Berggolts from an interdisciplinary perspective. The works were screened by Igor Talankin and Evgenii Shiffers. According to the author of the research, it is these films that define meaning-making mechanisms of Berggolts’s creative activity. A night dream mode of film narration is determinant for I. Talankin’s Day Stars; the search for the form, which is able to communicate the book structure as well as a whimsical game of human memory, comes to the fore. The film making became a testing site for Evgenii Shiffers where his religious and philosophical ideas were performed. The film Pervorossiyane is not just setting an event line in terms of visual patterns but the narrative poem reproduced via a film and thought solely in a religious and drama mystery light.

Keywords: intermediality, film adaptation, myth, O. Berggolts, I. Talankin, E. Shiffers


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