Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
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Critique and Semiotics
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for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
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Name: On the Topic Function of the Particle aan ‘That Is, Exactly’ in Tuvan

Authors: Aziyana V. Bayyr-ool

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Issue 1, 2024Pages 361-371
UDK: 811.512.15+ 81'367.7DOI: 10.25205/2307-1753-2024-1-361-371


Abdullaev K. M. Aktual’noe chlenenie predlozheniya v azerbaydzhanskom yazyke [Actual articulation of sentence in Azerbaijan]. Sovetskaya tyurkologiya [Soviet Turkology], 1983, no. 1, pp. 61–75. (in Russ.)

Amirov R. S. Sposoby aktual’nogo chleneniya v kazakhskom yazyke [Means of actual articulation in Kazakh]. Sovetskaya tyurkologiya [Soviet Turkology], 1970, no. 6, pp. 34‒39. (in Russ.)

Arutyunova N. D. Ponyatie presuppozitsii v lingvistike [The concept of pre-supposition in linguistics]. Izvestiya AN SSSR. Literatura i yazyk [Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of USSR. Literature and language], 1973, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 84–89. (in Russ.)

Bayyr-ool A. V. O sluzhebnom slove deerge v tuvinskom yazyke [On function word deerge in Tuvan]. Siberian Journal of Philology, 2009, no. 2, pp. 152–156. (in Russ.)

Bayyr-ool A. V., Shirobokova N. N. O chastitse bolza v tuvinskom yazyke [On Tuvan particle “bolza”]. Siberian Journal of Philology, 2017, no. 3, pp. 222–232. (in Russ.)

Ilishev I. G. Sposoby aktual’nogo chleneniya prostogo predlozheniya v bashkirskom i angliyskom yazykakh [Means of actual articulation of simple sentence in Bashkir and English]. Abstract of Philol. Cand. Diss. Moscow, 1990, 24 p. (in Russ.)

Matezius V. O tak nazyvaemom aktual’nom chlenenii [About the so-called actual articulation. In: Prazhskiy lingvisticheskiy kruzhok [Prague Linguistic Circle]. Collection of articles. Moscow, 1967, pp. 239–245. (in Russ.)

Ondar Ch. G. Paradigmatiko-sintagmaticheskiy podkhod k differentsiro-vannomu markirovaniyu pryamogo dopolneniya v tuvinskom i khakasskom yazykakh [Paradigmatic-syntagmatic approach to differential object marking of direct complement in Tuvan and Khakass]. Cand. of Philol. Diss. Novosibirsk, 2022, 197 p. (in Russ.)

Safiulina F. S. K voprosu o poryadke slov v tatarskom yazyke [To the ques-tion of word order in Tatar]. In:Voprosy tatarskogo yazykoznaniya [Questions of Tatar linguistics]. Kazan, 1965, pp. 296–342. (in Russ.)

Safiulina F. S. Tatar telendә sүz tәrtibe [Word order in Tatar]. Kazan, 1974, 150 p. (in Tat.)

Safiullina F. S. Sintaksis tatarskoy razgovornoy rechi [Syntax of Tatar collo-quial speech]. Kazan, 1978, 253 p. (in Russ.)

Mongush D. A. (ed.). Tolkovyy slovar’ tuvinskogo yazyka [Explanatory dic-tionary of the Tuvan language]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2003, vol. 1, 599 p. (in Tuv., in Russ.)

Zakiev M. Z. Tatarskaya grammatika [Tatar Grammar]. Kazan, 1995, vol. 3: Syntax. 186 p. (in Russ.)

Keywords: Tuvan, utterance, actual articulation, topic, focus, particle, pronominal words


Abdullaev K. M. Aktual’noe chlenenie predlozheniya v azerbaydzhanskom yazyke [Actual articulation of sentence in Azerbaijan]. Sovetskaya tyurkologiya [Soviet Turkology], 1983, no. 1, pp. 61–75. (in Russ.)

Amirov R. S. Sposoby aktual’nogo chleneniya v kazakhskom yazyke [Means of actual articulation in Kazakh]. Sovetskaya tyurkologiya [Soviet Turkology], 1970, no. 6, pp. 34‒39. (in Russ.)

Arutyunova N. D. Ponyatie presuppozitsii v lingvistike [The concept of pre-supposition in linguistics]. Izvestiya AN SSSR. Literatura i yazyk [Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of USSR. Literature and language], 1973, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 84–89. (in Russ.)

Bayyr-ool A. V. O sluzhebnom slove deerge v tuvinskom yazyke [On func-tion word deerge in Tuvan]. Siberian Journal of Philology, 2009, no. 2, pp. 152–156. (in Russ.)

Bayyr-ool A. V., Shirobokova N. N. O chastitse bolza v tuvinskom yazyke [On Tuvan particle “bolza”]. Siberian Journal of Philology, 2017, no. 3, pp. 222–232. (in Russ.)

Ilishev I. G. Sposoby aktual’nogo chleneniya prostogo predlozheniya v bashkirskom i angliyskom yazykakh [Means of actual articulation of simple sentence in Bashkir and English]. Abstract of Philol. Cand. Diss. Moscow, 1990, 24 p. (in Russ.)

Matezius V. O tak nazyvaemom aktual’nom chlenenii [About the so-called actual articulation. In: Prazhskiy lingvisticheskiy kruzhok [Prague Linguistic Circle]. Collection of articles. Moscow, 1967, pp. 239–245. (in Russ.)

Ondar Ch. G. Paradigmatiko-sintagmaticheskiy podkhod k differentsiro-vannomu markirovaniyu pryamogo dopolneniya v tuvinskom i khakasskom yazykakh [Paradigmatic-syntagmatic approach to differential object marking of direct complement in Tuvan and Khakass]. Cand. of Philol. Diss. Novosibirsk, 2022, 197 p. (in Russ.)

Safiulina F. S. K voprosu o poryadke slov v tatarskom yazyke [To the ques-tion of word order in Tatar]. In:Voprosy tatarskogo yazykoznaniya [Questions of Tatar linguistics]. Kazan, 1965, pp. 296–342. (in Russ.)

Safiulina F. S. Tatar telendә sүz tәrtibe [Word order in Tatar]. Kazan, 1974, 150 p. (in Tat.)

Safiullina F. S. Sintaksis tatarskoy razgovornoy rechi [Syntax of Tatar colloquial speech]. Kazan, 1978, 253 p. (in Russ.)

Mongush D. A. (ed.). Tolkovyy slovar’ tuvinskogo yazyka [Explanatory dictionary of the Tuvan language]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2003, vol. 1, 599 p. (in Tuv., in Russ.)

Zakiev M. Z. Tatarskaya grammatika [Tatar Grammar]. Kazan, 1995, vol. 3: Syntax. 186 p. (in Russ.)

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