Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal for specialists in philology and semiotics |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: From a Traditional Dictionary to an Electronic Resource “New in Russian Vocabulary”: Text Transformation Authors: Natalia V. Kozlovskaya Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article analyzes three types of academic neological sources that make up the concept of “Russian academic neography”. The process of text transformation from a yearbook of the first type to a yearbook of an updated series and to an electronic resource is described: a change of the conceptual framework, specification of the object of description from the point of view of the criterion of time, principles of reflecting the collective linguistic consciousness. A different relationship between the text and the title “New in Russian Vocabulary” was revealed. In relation to each of the compared texts, the reflected diversity of intra- and intertextual connections is characterized, reflecting the systematic nature of the new vocabulary. Each text is characterized as a source of non-proprietary linguistic information. Keywords: neology, academic neography, new things in Russian vocabulary, neologism, text, coherence, linguistic picture of the world, dictionary entry, text creativity Bibliography: Babenko L. G. Slovar' kak tekst (na materiale ideograficheskikh slovarei russkogo yazyka) [Dictionary as text (based on ideographic Russian language dictionaries)]. In: Russkii yazyk: istoricheskie sud'by i sovremennost'. IV Mezh- dunarodnyi kongress issledovateley russkogo yazyka: Trudy i materialy [Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Russian Language Researchers “Russian Language: Historical Fate and Modernity”]. Moscow, 2010, pp. 340–341. (in Russ.) Denisov P. N. Leksika russkogo yazyka i printsipy ee opisaniya [Vocabulary of the Russian language and principles of its description]. Moscow, 1980, 253 p. (in Russ.) Frawley W. The dictionary as text. International Journal of Lexicography, 1989, no. 2 (3), pp. 231–248. Galperin I. R. Tekst kak ob"ekt lingvisticheskogo issledovaniya [Text as an object of linguistic research]. Moscow, 2006, 144 p. (in Russ.) Hartmann R. R. K. Dictionaries of English: The User’s Perspective // Dictionaries of English: prospects for the record of our language. Cambridge, Cambridge Uni. Press, 1987, pp. 121–135. Kolshansky G. V. Kommunikativnaya funktsiya i struktura yazyka [Communicative function and structure of language]. Moscow, 1984, 176 p. (in Russ.) Kotelova N. Z. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 77 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 77]. Moscow, 1980, 176 p. (in Russ.) Kotelova N. Z. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 79 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 79]. Moscow, 1982, 320 p. (in Russ.) Kotelova N. Z. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 80 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 80]. Moscow, 1984, 287 p. (in Russ.) Kotelova N. Z. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 82 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 82]. Moscow, 1986, 253 p. (in Russ.) Kotelova N. Z. Izbrannye raboty [Selected Works]. St. Petersburg, 2015, 276 p. (in Russ.) Kotelova N. Z., Alatortseva S. I., Butseva T. N. (eds.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 1986 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 77]. Moscow, 1996, 381 p. (in Russ.) Kotelova N. Z., Denisenko Yu. F. (eds.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 1985 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 1985]. Moscow, 1996, 351 p. (in Russ.) Kotyurova M. P. Russkiy yazyk: “chekan” nauchnogo teksta [Russian language: “stamp” of scientific text]. Textus, 2014, no. 14, pp. 123–129. (in Russ.) Kozlovskaya N. V. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 2018 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 2018]. St. Petersburg, 2020, 104 p. (in Russ.) Kozlovskaya N. V., Pavlova A. S. (eds.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 2021 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 2019]. St. Petersburg, 2022, 318 p. (in Russ.) Kupina N. A. Totalitarnyi yazyk: slovar' i rechevye reaktsii [Totalitarian language: vocabulary and speech reactions]. Ekaterinburg, 2015, 185 p. (in Russ.) Levina S. D. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 2015 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 2015]. St. Petersburg, 2020, 100 p. (in Russ.) Pavlova A. S. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 2020 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 2021]. St. Petersburg, 2021, 486 p. (in Russ.) Ridetskaya Yu. S. (ed.). Novoe v russkoi leksike. Slovarnye materialy – 2019 [New in the Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials – 2019]. St. Petersburg, 2021, 110 p. (in Russ.) Shvedova N. Yu. Russkii yazyk. Izbrannye raboty [Russian language. Selected works]. Moscow, 2005, 638 p. (in Russ.) Yong H., Peng J. Bilingual Lexicography from a Communicative Perspective. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publ., 2007, 229 p. |
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