Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal for specialists in philology and semiotics |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: The Pushkin Code of Dmitry Alexandrovich Pridov. A Premonition of the Metamodern Authors: Yurii V. Shatin Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article discusses the problem of the artistic method of the founder of Moskow conceptualism Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigov (DAP). Despite the fact, that system of new direction – meta modernism, which replaced postmodernism, took shape in the 2010s, when the master’s creative path ended, many features of DAP’s poetics indicate a premonition of a shift towards a new direction. Using the example of the analysis of Pushkin’s code, our article reveals a number of essential features of the emerging artistic system. Thus, in contrast to postmodernism, rhizome loses its absolute dominance in DAP’s works, returning new sincerity to the text and providing oscillation between it and parody. Using Pushkin’s code, the poet overcomes the opposition between the mass and the elite, which he directly states in the “Advance notice” to the collection “Poems of autumn – winter 1978”. The most significant rejection of the principles of postmodernism and a shift towards meta modernity can be observed in DAP’s “Evgenii Onegin Pushkina”, where in place of alienation irony, an opposite tendency arises – the appropriation of some else’s test, based on playing with the various components of Puskin’s verse novel. The effect of changing the size, deformation of onegin stanza, paratextual insertions, special punctuation, and finally, indications of principles of glossolalia creates a completely different text, that has passed the stage of Lermontov’s reflection and opens the way to a new method. Thus, it can be argued, that the DAP’s poetry works, which began in era of formation and development of postmodernism, initially did not fit within its boundaries and required new searches, that coincided with the main features of future literary movement. Keywords: Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigov, meta modernism, Pushkin’s code Bibliography: Akker R., Vermyulen T. Periodiziruya 2000-e, ili Poyavleniye metamodernizma [Periodizing the 2000s, or the emergence of metamodernism]. In: Metamodernizm: istorichnost', affekt i glubina posle postmodernizma. Moscow, 2020, pp. 39–82. (in Russ.) Bely A. Glossolaliya: Poema o zvuke [Glossolalia: Poem about sound]. Moscow, 2002, 142 p. (in Russ.) Epshtein M. Lirika sorvannogo soznaniya: narodnoe lyubomudrie u D. A. Prigova [Lyrics of a torn consciousness: folk wisdom by D. A. Prigov]. In: Nekanonicheskii klassik. Moscow, 2010, pp. 252–262. (in Russ.) Eikhenbaum B. M. Lermontov. Opyt istoriko-literaturnoi otsenki [Lermontov. Experience of historical and literary assessment]. In: Eikhenbaum B. M. O literature. Moscow, 1987, pp. 140–288. (in Russ.) Ismukova Ya. “Uzhas kakoy, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich!”: Chudishcha Prigova [“What a horror, Dmitry Alexandrovich!” Prigov’s monsters]. Question Rossicca, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 442–457. (in Russ.) Khrushchova N. Metamodern v muzyke i vokrug nee [Metamodern in music and around it]. Moscow, 2020, 299 p. (in Russ.) Konstantinu L. Chetyre lika postironii [Four faces of postirony]. In: Metamodernizm. Moscow, 2020, pp. 221–256. (in Russ.) Yampolsky M. Prigov. Ocherki khudozhestvennogo nominalizma [Prigov. Essays on artistic nominalism]. Moscow, 2016, 294 p. (in Russ.) Zakharova A. Ya. Prigov: “novaya NEsentimental'nost'” [Prigov: “new UN-sentimentality”]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023, no. 180 (2), pp. 78–88. (in Russ.) Zavarzadeh M. The Apocalyptic Fact and the Eclipse of Fiction in Recent American Prose Narratives. Journal of American Studies, 1975, no. 9 (1), pp. 69–83. Zubova L. D. A. Prigov: installyatsiya slovesnykh ob"ektov [D. A. Prigov: Installation of verbal objects]. In: D. A. Prigov. Nekanonicheskii klassik. Moscow, 2010, pp. 540–565. (in Russ.) |
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