Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Ferdinand de Saussure and his role in the evolution of linguistic and philosophical thought of the 20th-21st centuries

Authors: V. I. Postovalova

Issue 1, 2017Pages 25-68
UDK: 821.161.1DOI:

Abstract: The article considers the description of an outstanding linguistic theorist, semiotics and language philosopher of the 20th century Ferdinand de Saussure’s creative career and course of life. Considerable attention is given to the analysis of the Saussure’s Course of General Linguistics content and to the disclosure of the ideas significant for the establishment of the modern humanities. Three basic program settings of linguistic philosophical thought of the 20th and 21st centuries are considered: “immanent linguistic”, “anthropological” and “transcendent religious” differing in their understanding of the linguistic reality nature and in the choice of ways to comprehend it. The paper contains a description of the immanent semiological approach, the ancestor of which is Ferdinand de Saussure. The Saussure’s “linguistic credo” which is based on the epistemological maxim “the point of view creates an object” is analyzed. We consider the philosophical and logical grounds for the advancement and creation of this maxim in humanitarian knowledge. The ideas and principles of Saussure’s “relational linguistics” developed in the framework of the immanent semiological approach are disclosed: “oppositional dualism,” sign arbitrariness, discrimination of internal and external linguistics, postulates that “language is a form and not a substance” as well as that “there is nothing in language other than differences,” which were the subject of subsequent profound and fruitful discussions in the humanities. The question of the linguistic and philosophical Saussure’s concept genetic origins and its integrity is discussed. The characteristic of the epistemological status of Saussure’s ideas in modern humanities and its fundamental role in the formation of new directions in the study of language is given. The paper analyses the specificity of the philosophical terminology adaptation in the academic discourse on the example of comprehending of the wellknown formula of Course of General Linguistics: “The language in itself and for itself”, as well as the theoretical interpretation of the category of significance (valeur) in the humanitarian knowledge. At the end of the article it is noted that every creative person - scientist, philosopher, writer - keeps to the next generation not only specific research but also the new intellectual and spiritual world that he has discovered as his testament. It is claimed that Saussure’s life experience teaches contemporary researchers the preservation of fidelity to Truth testifying that science is not always only the joy of insights and discoveries, but a sacrificial feat and ascetic labor on its thorny path.

Keywords: humanitarian cognition, academic and philosophical discourses, intrascientific reflection, immanent semiological approach, relational linguistics, form and substance


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