Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: About Poetic Metaphors of the Saussure’s triad langue, langage and parole

Authors: O. I. Severskaya

Issue 1, 2017Pages 81-89
UDK: 81'42DOI:

Abstract: The author considers (on the material of Russian poetry of the XVIII–XX centuries) the use of metadiscursive lexical items silence, murmur, talk, symbolizing langue, langage and parole of poetic practice. Silence is synonymous with poetry itself, with its deep level at which a word is represented as an acoustic image, an abstraction from the superficial diverse sound, i.e. langue. With the silence is correlated the inner speech and «conversation without words». The author comes to the conclusion that poetic silence incorporates models of speech acts, and therefore imply the potential deployment of language in speech. Special attention is paid to a murmur, corresponding to langage, since the murmur is intermediate between silence and articulated speaking. Voice and talk are associated with parole, poetic voices embody speech acts of specific actors. If to the silence are associated primarily classes of subjects (all of nature and the earth and terrestrial space – the steppe, fields and woods, gardens, ocean, earth and air, water, heaven), the voice and the talk (along with nature as such) endowed with specific «subjects». Have them the forest, branches of trees and shrubs, plants, birds (Oriole, Blackbird, Cuckoo, Blue tit, Nightingale, Cock), animals, insects. Voices of the land, stones, deserts, sea, bay, rivers, streams, air, wind, storms, thunder, moon, and planets are also presented. Many voices stands out in the religious and mystical field, as well as the voices of time and history. In the personal world, the voices of memory, of reason, conscience, hope, love, friendship, betrayal, anxiety, grief, misery, suffering (primarily as manifestations of inner speech) sound. The same structure has the murmur. That makes sense: as speech (parole), and speech (or oral) activity (language), with which correspond the significant lexemes voice, talk and murmur, differ, by F. de Saussure, an individual and each time a new use of language, an individual using of a language code in the verbal combinations creation. The study was performed on the material of poetry subcorpus of the Russian National corpus. Its statistical service offers the interesting data: in the poetry subcorpus murmur is more common than talk and silence, poets pay more attention to the transition from a zero to the communication, tracing each step. At the same time as in the main corpus, and in his poetry subcorpus the verb to speak has the highest frequency and refers both to language and to speech activity and speech, and potentially to the silence (we can speak without words) and whisper (we can talk in a whisper, soundless, silently, etc.).

Keywords: metadiscursive words, symbols, Saussure triad, Russian poetry, content analysis, linguistic poetics


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