Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: About prospects of not-saussurian linguistics, or a new function of saussure’s language. Lecture held at the conference devoted to the century anniversary of «Course of the general linguistics» by F. de Saussure (Moscow, Institute of Linguistics, Russi

Authors: A. V. Vdovichenko

Issue 1, 2017Pages 124-139

Abstract: In the lecture author’s subjective view on the relations and intrinsic distinctions between two global directions of modern linguistic science is represented. Prospects of not-saussurian (communicative) linguistics, and also saussurian, language-orientated, are designated in connection with the cardinal distinction of their approaches to the verbal fact. For language paradigm the main thing is the grammaticalized form of the verbal data which enters him into the language system (the communication mechanism) providing a possibility of speaking and understanding for users. The saussurian paradigm is characterized by special attention to verbal signs, their uniformity and systemacity, relations among themselves and with users, fixed in the concept of «language». At the same time within a language paradigm the integral characteristics of natural verbal process are obviously ignored: actionality, situativeness , communicativeness, individual cognitivity, interpretiveness. On this background the communicative paradigm shows more realistic disposition of theoretical objects. Verbal action admits a special case of communicative action which, in turn, is a special case of individual’s conscious action. Interpretation of verbal process (as well as in the case of any activity) is considered as understanding of a semiotic act. Allocation of units of verbal process appears a utilitarian procedure. For communicative paradigm the corn questions are those of sense-production. without a concrete procedure of a semiotic interaction. Sense-production (which is causa finalis of any natural verbal fact) can be explained only by the concept of communicative action which speaker (writer) performs to obtain changes in imaginable communicative space. The consequences of subjectivity of any verbal fact are: elements of verbal process are not identical in themselves; the impersonal and senseless language described by grammar is not effective as a metaphor for explaining communicative sense-generation; speaker (writer) produces and understands actual communicative actions, but not verbal formulas (elements of structure of “language”). While language and grammar are absorbed by communication, it is necessary to recognize indisputable advantage of the language paradigm in creating the mnemotekhnic scheme (that is, grammar) applicable in linguodidactics. At the same time the questions of senseproduction, the most remarkable for linguistics, receive adequate interpretation only within the communicative theory which postulates that in natural verbal process multiple-factor communicative action is made and understood, but not a verbal language form. A new function of the saussurian language is formulated, that is, the function of hindering the evolution of the linguistic theory.

Keywords: communicative linguistics, language paradigm, natural verbal fact, grammar, mnemotekhnics, semiotic act, communicative action


Vdovichenko A. V. O nesamotozhdestvennosti jazykovogo znaka. Prichiny i sledstvija «lingvisticheskogo imjaslavija» // Voprosy filosofii, 2016. № 6. S. 164–175.

Vdovichenko A. V. Kommunikativnoe opravdanie grammatiki. K voprosu o predelah uslovnosti grammaticheskogo opisanija // Russkij jazyk za rubezhom, 2016. № 4. S. 78–84.

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