Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
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Critique and Semiotics
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for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Reading of Writings by A. S. Pushkin and I. S. Turgenev in the Plot Hero at a rendez-vous (Variant of the Middle of the 19th Century)

Authors: A. A. Ponomareva

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Issue 2, 2018Pages 40-51
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737-2018-2-40-53

Abstract: The paper presents investigation the plot hero at a rendez-vous frequency in the Russian literature of the middle of the 19th century. Accent does to function of writings by A. S. Pushkin («Eugene Onegin») and I. S. Turgenev («Rudin», «Asya») to forming of its structure and semantics. Basic material is narrative stories with situation of reading and discussion of writings by A. S. Pushkin and I. S. Turgenev: «Shadows of the past» (1850) by A. Marchenko, «Gurin» (1861) by L. de Roberti and «Arina» (1862) by A. Witkowski. The paper is devoted to the study of the plot “hero at a rendez-vous”, which develops at two stages in the Russian literature of the middle of the 19th century. In the first part of 1850s the steady plot scheme were formed under the influence of the Pushkin’s novel: the hero arrives to an estate and meets with the heroine; the heroine falls in love with him and makes a declaration of love; the hero rejects acknowledgement; he takes departure after explanation, the heroine gets married; after a time the hero meets with the off cast heroine. Owing to this plot scheme the main love-psychological conflict of the 1850s develops: a hero is incapable to undertake responsibility for the heroine and recedes at the decisive moment. The essence of modern characters shed light on the meeting: a weak will, indecision, reflexiveness of the hero and on the contrary resolution, emancipation, integrity of the heroine. The plot combination associated with the Pushkin’s novel in the middle of the 1850s becomes plot cliché with some level of variability and the confined possibility. The method of its actualization is modification of allusive spectrum of individual component plot situations. The change of character’s reading is the evidence of change of literary source. In the first part of the 1860s heroes read «Rudin» and «Asya» instead of «Eugene Onegin». The change of Onegin’s background for Turgenev’s background gives this plot combination the additional productive potential. The actualization of this motive takes place under influence of literary criticism, in particular, paper «Russian at a rendez-vous» by N. G. Chernyshevsky. In conclusion the author suggests this «open» denomination of source – writings by A. S. Pushkin and I. S. Turgenev – is signal not only attraction of fiction plot to it (i.e. copying) but also repulsion from it (i.e. «working»). Narrative stories by A. Marchenko, L. de Roberti and A. Witkowski are first which the new plot combination forms by transformation of precedential combination or qualitative change of popular combination.

Keywords: plot, hero at a rendez-vous, secondary semantization of plot, 1850s, fiction, reception of plot


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