Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2018

O. A. Farafonova
“The Wanderer by Land and Sea” Е. П. Kovalevsky: The Author and Reader in the Space Traveler
In detail
K. Yu. Zubkov
“Words-signals” of Nihilism and “The Precipice” by I. A. Goncharov
In detail
A. A. Ponomareva
Reading of Writings by A. S. Pushkin and I. S. Turgenev in the Plot Hero at a rendez-vous (Variant of the Middle of the 19th Century)
In detail
T. I. Pecherskaya
Writer as Object of Reader’s Perception: Public Literary Readings of 1860s
In detail
A. Ustinov, I. Loshchilov
Boris Tomashevskiy and Yury Tynyanov at Work on Their Article “Fake Pushkin”
In detail
Yu. V. Shatin
The Versification of the Poetry of «Sibirskie Ogni» (1922–1929): Between Tradition and Vanguard
In detail
E. V. Kapinos, E. Yu. Kulikova
“The Open Sea” by Sergei Kolbasiev: Its Literary Context and Poetics
In detail
E. G. Nikolaeva
The Categories of Author – Text – Reader in the Novel “Librarian” by Michael Elizarov
In detail
O. N. Turysheva
The evolution of the Plot-Motive Complex in the Artistic Narrative of the Reader
In detail
Ye. G. Margaryan
Ode of the Acritical Freedom – Digenis Akritas: Armenian Roots of the Byzantine Epic Tradition
In detail
A. V. Proskurina
The Variability of the Prayer’s Address to the Lord in the Anglo- Saxon World Picture
In detail
Yu. A. Asoyan
New European Moral Genealogy of Macintyre’s Conception
In detail
V. V. Feshchenko
Emile Benveniste as Theorist of Poetic Discourse
In detail
S. G. Proskurin, S. V. Sannikov
Transferences of Information in Space and Time: Cultural Transfers
In detail
J. Krasni
Digital Fuzziness or das Ungefähre The Semiotics of Cultural Practices in the Digital Realm
In detail
M. A. Dmitrovskaya
Bela’s Causus (Historiosophy of Anthropology in “A Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov)
In detail
L. N. Sinyakova
Conceptual Field of the Impossible in A. P. Chekhov’s Short Stories “Dreams” and “Happiness”
In detail
E. N. Proskurina
From Ancient Russia to Solzhenitsyn: The Meditation of Russian Culture by Prot. Alexander Schmemann
In detail
I. S. Poltoratsky
Parable as the Tool of a Cultural Transfer in Literature of the Russian Avant-Garde: Ry Nikonova’s “Student Jesus”
In detail
N. A. Nepomniashchikh
V. Erl’ and D. Makrinov’s Short Story “How Kolya Nikolaev Was Sitting in the Porridge. Story Told by the Pioneer Sasha Mironov”: Porridge Semiotics in Children’s Stories
In detail
G. I. Berestnev, I. Yu. Vertelova
Linguistic Peculiarities of Black Humour in “stishki-pirozhki”
In detail
I. V. Silantev
Concepts of LIE and TRUTH of LIFE as Transfer Semantic Elements of Dmitry Gorchev’s Poetics
In detail
I. V. Kuznetsov
About Ancient Mental Picture and New Textuality
In detail
O. B. Levitski
A “Literary Motif Compass” by Olga Freidenberg as a Tool in Narrative Research
In detail
T. S. Simyan
To the Problem of Poetics and Semiosis of Yoko Tawada (By Example of the Poetic Collection “Tabula rasa”)
In detail
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