Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: About Ancient Mental Picture and New Textuality

Authors: I. V. Kuznetsov

Novosibirsk State Theatral Institute

Issue 2, 2018Pages 395-414
UDK: 82.161.1, 82.091DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737-2018-2-395-414

Abstract: The article analyses actualization of religious problematic in Russian literature in the beginning of 21st century. This phenomenon is genetically connected with philosophic search of Russian art culture of 20th century, especially its beginning. The Actualization of religious problematic is also conditioned by traditional priorities in Russian literature of 19th century manifested in Gogol and Dostoyevsky’s works. The place of E. Vodolazkin’s novel “Laure” in corpus of this literary tradition is shown. The textual facture of the novel is analyzed, as well as its role in realizing the main task of work – deconstruction of time. Important principle of this facture is subject syncretism. Differentiation of sole subjects reveals its relativity in context of their implication to allengulfing higher consciousness. This consciousness is interpreted in religious spirit. Such constructive principle generates a number of difficulties in description of novel in the language of plot and narrative theory. Key narratologic category of event reveals its conditional character in the face of being. Technique of point of view systematization also operates with difficulties. Straight causality here leaves its function to ground construction of plot links in fiction. Happening things bent for loose their attachment to locus, moment and cause. Hereto, the integrity of central hero’s person is doubted by himself among other things because of three-time name changing. The functional domination of mentative text in the novel is related to a rule of Russian literature development. The newest contemporary is interpreted as the stage of script thematization in this development. But if in Middle Age on analogical stage, the themes were actualized in relation to events in empiric reality, now they are related to event in mental sphere, the events of thought. Proceeding intellectualization of literature is manifested obliquely by the fact that the word creation is more often practiced by men with scientific experience. The novel stylistics demonstrates a bilingual principle; the high style is reproduced by means of church-slavic language, the low one – by means of modern intellectual slang. Formal similarity of “Laurel” to postmodern prose doesn’t abolish their world-vision difference. Postmodern is the manifestation of skepticism, E. Vodolazkin’s novel is action of faith. It is supported by conviction in endless potential of revelation containing in word.

Keywords: religious problematic, E. Vodolazkin’s “Laure”, subject syncretism, textuality, bilingual principle, script thematization, mentative, transformation of arts


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