Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Name: Sensation Predicatives and Interpretation Predicatives: Semantic and Syntactic Processes

Authors: Galina I. Kustova

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation;

Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Issue 1, 2022Pages 110-123
UDK: 811.161.1; 81’367.335.2; 81'367.635; 81'37DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737-2022-1-110-123


The paper considers constructions «sensation predicative + infinitive» and « interpretation predicative + infinitive». The infinitives of the movement, position and some others are typical for sensation predicative: Kholodno stoyat` / ekhat` ‘It`s cold to stand / to drive’; Temno idti / chitat` ‘It`s dark to go / to read’. Such an infinitive occupies an intermediate position between a valency and an adjunct. The infinitives in interpretation constructions expresses the valency of predicative: Nevezhlivo sidet` v prisutstvii damy ‘It is impolite to sit in the presence of a lady’. Such a predicative has a higher syntactic status than adjective or adverb, that are the original representation for interpretive vocabulary.

Keywords: predicative, sensation predicatives, interpretation predicatives, infinitive construction


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