Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 1, 2022

Evgeniya N. Basovskaya
Formation of the Category of Evaluativeness in the Russian Stylistics of the Second Half of the 19th – Mid-20th Century
In detail
Elena Yu. Bulygina, Tatiana A. Tripolskaya
Dynamic Processes in Russian Emotive-Evaluative Vocabulary
In detail
Dmitrij O. Dobrovol'skij, Anna A. Zalizniak
Evaluation as a Source of Deontic Modality
In detail
Mikhail Ya. Dymarsky
The togda kak Conjunction: An Invitation for Evaluation
In detail
Irina M. Kobozeva
Adverbs of Evaluation: Correlation of Semantic and Syntactic Properties (The Case of General and Hedonistic Evaluation)
In detail
Galina I. Kustova
Sensation Predicatives and Interpretation Predicatives: Semantic and Syntactic Processes
In detail
Irina P. Matkhanova
Evaluation as a State: Predicatives with the Semantics of Time (pora, vremya, rano, pozdno)
In detail
Vladimir I. Karpov
Max Bense’s Information Aesthetics and Text Theory: To the Origins of a Terminological Tradition in German Linguistics
In detail
Tatyana V. Leontyeva
Reframing the Word vdokhnovlat’ [inspire]: From Option to Mission
In detail
Alexey E. Kozlov, Francesco Varlaro
The Way of listven’ in the Russian and Siberian Worldview: From Phytonym to Concepts
In detail
Tigran S. Simyan
Sergey Parajanov and Tiflis: “Guide” of Cultural Memory, Urban Space and Its Transformation
In detail
Yurii V. Shatin
“Bobok” of Dostoevsky: An Artistic Phenomenon in the System of the Whole
In detail
Dennis Ioffe
The Symbolic Capital of Khlebnikov and Mayakovsky Versus Avant-Garde Performativity. Semiotic Pragmatics of Avant-Garde Behavior and Life Creation
In detail
Igor A. Pilshchikov
“The Dolnik and Beyond”: Unstressed Ictuses and Extra-Schematic Stresses in Russian Accentual Verse
In detail
Ksenia V. Abramova
Far Eastern Futurists and the Satirical Leaflet “Blokha” (“Flea”) (Vladivostok, 1920)
In detail
Elena N. Proskurina
Motive of Early Lyric and Philosophical Stories by A. Platonov
In detail
Igor E. Loshchilov
On the Analysis of a Poem by Viktor Sosnora “Parting of an Animal Barking with Fear of an Owl...” (1966)
In detail
Pavel E. Zhilichev
Metadrama in V. Mirzoev’s Works
In detail
Mikhail A. Kravchenko, Oksana V. Kravchenko
The Absurd as a Metalanguage Code (Based on the Material of Artistic Texts of Absurdist Aesthetics)
In detail
Nataliya V. Volodina
Russian Literary Criticism in the Aspect of Cognitivism Methodology
In detail
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