Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 1, 2020

I. V. Silantev, Yu. V. Shatin
The Discourse of Impressionism in Beta’s (B. V. Butkevich) Poetics
In detail
V. I. Tiupa
Author and Narrator in the History of Russian Literature
In detail
G. A. Zhilicheva
Theoretical Discourse as an Object of Metaparody in Russian Post- Modern Prose
In detail
E. E. Brazgovskaya
Ekphrasis as a Semiotic Experiment
In detail
V. Z. Demyankov
Alien Creativity of Russian Macaronic Poetry
In detail
V. V. Feshchenko
From Linguistic Aesthetics to Linguistic Heuristics: Verbal Creativity in Literary and Academic Discourses
In detail
O. V. Sokolova
Discourse-“Logophagus”: The Boundaries of Linguistic Creativity and Stereotypy in Advertising
In detail
I. V. Kuznetsov
Text-Description as “Zero Degree of a Story”
In detail
S. Yu. Kornienko
Siberia in the Poetic Imagination of Russian Modernism: Living and Animated Paintings by Marina Tsvetaeva
In detail
N. O. Laskina
Timing of Loss: Reflection of the Novelistic Time in the Comic Book Adaptation of Proust
In detail
K. V. Anisimov
The “Living Statues” at Times of Mausoleums and Unknown Soldiers: New Commemorative Practices in the Mirror of Russian 20th Century Poetry
In detail
N. A. Muratova
Paratextual Intrigue in the Dramatic Cycle “The Apartment of Colom- bina” of L. S. Petrushevskaya
In detail
P. E. Zhilichev
Metacommunication in Plays by N. F. Simpson, D. Campton, and J. Saunders
In detail
L. I. Zhurova
The Anti-Astrological Discourse of Maximus the Greek and Formation of Author’s Code in His Writings
In detail
O. D. Zhuravel
To the Study of Visual Poetics in the Old Believer Literature of the 18th Century
In detail
T. I. Pecherskaya
The Phenomenon of Cultural Expansion of Raznochintsy of 1860s: The Literary Niche “Folk-Writers”
In detail
V. V. Maroshi
With an Icon and a Knife: About the Semio-Aesthetic Causes of А. Balashov’s Vandalism
In detail
E. V. Kapinos, I. E. Loshchilov
Nikolay Aseev: From Publications in Print Media of the Far East (1918–1920)
In detail
E. N. Proskurina
Topics of a Fairy-Tale in the Plot Structure of V. Zazubrin’s Play “Undermining”
In detail
O. A. Skubach
Not Female Arctic: The Plot of the Polar Heroine in Soviet Culture of the 1920–1930s
In detail
M. M. Gelfond
Semantics of the Fictional Draft: Once again about B. L. Pasternak’s poem “A Fairy Tale” (“Skazka”)
In detail
Е. Yu. Kulikova
Gumilev’s Trace in the Shanghai Marine Author B. Ya. Ilvov’s Story “The Flying Dutchman”
In detail
I. S. Poltoratsky
Stylization of Ornamental Narrative in the Prose of Denis Osokin. The Cycle of Stories “Angels and Revolution. Vyatka 1923”
In detail
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