Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 1, 2015

A. A. Asoyan
The problem of semiosis «hellenic» words in Russian literary classics
In detail
E. E. Anisimova
«See Zhukovski for nostrils». V. Nabokov Systematizes V. A. Zhukovsky’s Poetic Heritage: From «Invitation to a Beheading» to «Lolita» and «Pnin»
In detail
M. A. Dmitrovskaya
A Vegetative Code in N. Kononov’s Short Story “Anastasia’s Amnesia”. Article 3. To Unite IntO I-Unity
In detail
A. B. Kudelin
Andalusian Strophic Poetry: A Singular Case of Interlinguistic Contacts in Medieval Europe?
In detail
I. I. Chelysheva
Multilingualism in Romance poetry of the Middle Ages
In detail
V. V. Feschenko
Self-translation of Poetic Text as a Form of Auto-communication
In detail
S. G. Parizhskiy
Trilingual poem by Yehuda al-Harizi (13th century)
In detail
A. L. Polyan
Hebrew-Yiddish Bilingualism in European Educational Poetry in Eastern Europe
In detail
A. R. Muradova
Is Barzaz Breiz a fake or a true folk poetry?
In detail
N. V. Azarova
Fernando Pessoa's Poetic Bilingualism
In detail
O. V. Sokolova
Conceptions of the «Global» and «Universal» Language in the Russian and American Avant-Garde
In detail
E. A. Baklanova
The poetry by Edgar Maranan in the Philippine and English languages
In detail
Yu. A. Dreyzis
Bilingualism vs multiculturalism: the phenomenon of Australian- Chinese poet Ouyang Yu
In detail
S. Yu. Bochaver
Bilingualism and Translingual Interactions in P. Gimferer's Poetry
In detail
D. B. Nikulicheva
Enriching meaning though combining multiple languages: polyglot’s approach to poetry
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M. A. Tarasova
Bilingualism of Nika Skandiaka’s original poetry and poetic translations
In detail
A. Morse
Doiche Bukh: some observations on multilingual poetry
In detail
M. Goto
Non-representation of Volga in Russian poetry of Gennadiy Aygi
In detail
B. V. Orekhov
Verse as a program code: contemporary experience and analysis methods
In detail
E. L. Kalashnikova
Russian literary translators and bilingualism
In detail
A. V. Vdovichenko
Mimesis and communicative action in poetic text
In detail
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