Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 2307–1753 [16+]
Founder — Institute of Philology, SB RAS
Critique and Semiotics
Digital network scientific journal
for specialists in philology and semiotics
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2021

Irina V. Zykova
Interdiscursive Parameters of Linguistic Creativity (The Case Study of Cinematic Discourse)
In detail
Maria I. Kiose, Anna A. Stepanova
Reference Frame Modification in the Assessment of Discourse and Author’s Linguocreativity
In detail
Olga V. Sokolova
Pragmatic and Semantic Parameters of Linguistic and Discursive Creativity in Advertising
In detail
Valentina I. Postovalova
Prayer as Creativity in the Religious Discourse of Orthodoxy (Constants and Innovations)
In detail
Olga V. Sokolova, Ekaterina V. Zakharkiv
Creative Pragmatics of Poetic Discourse
In detail
Ekaterina S. Shmeleva
Hybridization of Linguacreative Items in English- and Russian-Language Media(Based on Articles Addressing Events of Current Russian Politics)
In detail
Syuzanna S. Kulidzhanyan
Precedent Phenomena in British Comedy Films: Reproducibility and Linguo-Creative Potential
In detail
Uliana S. Alekseeva, Timofey D. Alekseev
Fanfiction as Apocryphal Literature and Postmodern Myth
In detail
Gazinur G. Gizdatov, Aiym A. Aldabergenova
Discursive Interpretations of the Novel of J. Heller “Catch-22” in Translation Practice
In detail
Yuri L. Troitsky, Oleg S. Valuev, Marina A. Matyunina
Psychosemiotics of Self-Consciousness: From Interdisciplinary Origins to Interpretation Techniques
In detail
Igor E. Kim
Paired Punctuation Mark: A Universal Model and Features of Its Implementation
In detail
Irina A. Nevskaya, Ajana A. Ozonova, Alena R. Tazranova, Natalia N. Fedina
Semantics and Scope of Reference of Imperative Forms of the 1st Person of the Non-Singular Number
In detail
Elena V. Tyuntesheva, Olga Yu. Shagdurova
Verb Correlations in Siberian Turkic Languages (In Contrast with Kipchak Languages)
In detail
Anna A. Grinevich
Ontology of Folklore Genres
In detail
Pavel S. Shakhov, Igor V. Zubov
Funeral and Memorial Lamentations of Erzya Mordvins of Zalesovskoe Prichumyshe: Functional and Semantic Aspect
In detail
Veronika B. Zuseva-Ozkan
“First Love” by I. S. Turgenev as a Paradigmatic Text of Russian Literature: Embedded Story and Love Narrative
In detail
Anatoly V. Korchinsky
Reality as Project: Towards a Poetic and Political Epistemology of the Romantic World (“What is to be Done?” by N. G. Chernyshevsky and “The Demons” by F. M. Dostoevsky)
In detail
Lyudmila P. Yakimova
Cryptography as a Feature of the Poetic Structure of A. P. Chekhov’s Play “Three Sisters”
In detail
Anna A. Bogoderova
Intertextual References to Russian Literature of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in the Poetry of Shanghai Emigrant Writers of the 1930–1940s
In detail
Elena V. Kapinos
Silhouettes of Harbin Poets in V. Pereleshin’s “Poem without Subject”: Nikolay Peterets
In detail
Tatiana A. Bogumil
Concept SIBERIA in the Work of Dmitry A. Prigov
In detail
Vladimir G. Bogomyakov, German M. Preobrazhensky 2
The OsumBez Partnership: Principles of New Realism
In detail
Kseniya A. Vorotyntseva
Everyday Life in Dmitry Gorchev’s Novel “Life without Carlo”
In detail
Olga A. Grimova
Transformation as a Model of Narrative Intrigue in D. Glukhovsky’s Novel “Text”
In detail
Pavel E. Zhilichev
Comedy of Menace as a Specific Kind of Absurdist Discourse (D. Campton, H. Pinter, D. Danilov)
In detail
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